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Perth Radar

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Perth Radar Notes

Perth (Serpentine) Weather Watch RadarWestern Australia WA32.3917°S 115.8670°E 40m AMSL
LocationSerpentine Airfield (Yangedi Rd North, Hopelands)
Radar TypeLeonardo Meteor 1700SDP, S-band
Typical Availability24 hours

Perth (Serpentine) Weather Watch radar has good coverage in all directions. Intense thunderstorm or cold fronts can be seen up to 250 kilometres away, however at this distance the radar is sensing the structure of the system well above the ground and may give a misleading view of the actual surface rainfall intensity of the system. The radar is susceptible to anomalous propagation (AP) for distances up to 60 kilometres along the coastline and seaward of it. The AP appears as an area of low intensity echoes. A local phenomenon which has been observed occasionally is that of false mirror echoes approaching the radar from the southeast as an intense cold front approaches from the south west. Heavy rain directly over the radar site can cause attenuation of all signals. Path attenuation can also occur when the radar beam passes through intense rainfall, with the returned signals from cells further along that path reduced.

About Future Radar

Future radar is a new drop-down option available on the Weatherzone radar, allowing you to see where precipitation may fall in the next 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hour timeframe. It is a prediction that uses past radar and satellite data to infer the movement and intensity of precipitation. This differs from observed radar which uses physical instrumentation to measure and render precipitation as it happens.

Future radar performs best with broad scale weather systems. However there are limitations in its performance when volatile convective systems develop and change within a short timeframe, as these scenarios provide local impacts that are difficult to predict in terms of speed, direction, intensity and shape.

To help visually distinguish between past timeframes and future timeframes, the radar animation will show predicted radar imagery at reduced opacity. You have the option to turn future radar on or off as it suits your needs.

Latest News

Map Legend

Lightning Heatmap

  • 0.1
  • 15
  • 60
Lightning Pulses / Square kilometre per minute

Lightning Strikes

  • Latest
  • 15 MINS AGO
  • 30 MINS AGO
  • 45 MINS AGO
  • 60 MINS AGO

PlusGround Strike

SquareCloud to Cloud Strike

Obs Field (Rainfall - 10 mins)

  • < 0.2
  • < 0.6
  • < 1.2
  • < 2.4
  • < 5
  • < 10
  • 10+

Obs Field (Rainfall - Since 9AM)

  • < 0.2
  • < 5
  • < 10
  • < 25
  • < 50
  • < 100
  • 100+

Obs Field (Temperature)

0° C15° C40° C

Obs Field (Dew Point)

0° C10° C30° C

Obs Field (Wind km/h)

  • 0 - 19
  • 20 - 30
  • 31 - 39
  • 40 - 61
  • 62 - 87
  • 88+

Rain radar

Legend Rainfall Intensity



Thunderstorm Risk

  • Thunderstorms possible
  • Thunderstorms likely
  • Thunderstorms severe

Temperature Gradient Map

  • -8 °C
  • -4 °C
  • 0 °C
  • 4 °C
  • 8 °C
  • 12 °C
  • 16 °C
  • 24 °C
  • 28 °C
  • 32 °C
  • 36 °C
  • 40 °C
  • 44 °C
  • 48 °C

Warning Areas (BOM)

  • FIRE
  • MISC.

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