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Cold weather smashes records

Martin Palmer profile image
Martin Palmer
A bumper start to the ski season, Canberra frozen, snow over the Melbourne hills, widespread severe frost and records are falling. The cold snap is abating slowly, but not before a final icy sting that has seen records fall across the southeast in the last 24 hours. Frost under clear skies last night was severe in much of the inland, notably Canberra's -5.8 degrees this morning, their coldest for June in nine years. Yesterday, Thredbo reached a high of -6.4 degrees, the coldest maximum recorded in New South Wales for 31 years. Last night, Cabramurra's minimum fell to a 12 year low of -6.8 degrees. Coastal locations also felt the cold with Montague Island's mercury levelling out at three degrees last night, their coldest June night in 37 years. Queenslanders have been feeling the cold too, with frosts pushing through the southern inland. Last night Toowoomba recorded -1 and Coolangatta just 2.2 degrees. Tonight Brisbane is next on the current cold blast's whirlwind tour of the southeast, a minimum of five degrees is forecast, potentially their coldest June night in seven years.
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