A snowy dusting in Victoria's summer
Sam Terry

Most people consider summer a time to wear shorts and thongs wherever one pleases, with little thought of ski jackets or snowboards. However Victoria's Mount Baw Baw saw a light dusting of snow, and it's already two weeks into summer.
A cold front crossed the nation's southeast during Thursday, bringing gusty winds and some good falls to southern Victoria.
Mount Baw Baw was one of the many locations to receive these falls, 31 millimetres in fact. Part of this was snow, around five centimetres, not enough to rejuvenate the ski season, but enough to create an excited buzz.
Melbourne itself didn't miss out. The city recorded 10 millimetres, now making a total (so far) of 30 millimetres.
Surrounding suburbs also had quenched rain gauges, with the largest falls over the eastern suburbs, right in the way of the southwesterly winds behind the front.
Saturday will see winds ease and isolated showers abate in southern Victoria. It is also unlikely that there'll be any more summer snow... at least until next Thursday.
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