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Thomas Hough, 17 Aug 2019, 1:42 AM UTC

Quick change for Canberra

Quick change for Canberra

You'd be forgiven for thinking that summer was making an early start in Canberra at the moment, but that's all about to change.

As a cold front moves across the south and a trough moves overland ahead of it, warm northerly winds are being drawn down across the ACT, resulting in well above average temperatures. Warmth will peak tomorrow, on Sunday 18th, when the mercury could hit 20 degrees. Should temperatures climb to these heights it would be the warmest day Canberra has experienced since May.

Whilst it may appear that winter has packed up and gone home, don't put away the wooly jumpers just yet because Monday will bring another blast of cold air. As the cold front crosses the ACT later in the day on Sunday it will introduce another a significantly colder airmass, resulting in the mercury dropping around 10 degrees lower on Monday compared to Sunday. Added to this, windchill from strengthening winds will make it feel an additional degree or two colder.

Conditions will remain cool for a few days, however for those who prefer it a little warmer things should warm back to the mid-to-high teens by next weekend.

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