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Home>Weather News>Perth misses out on morning rain

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Ben Domensino, 19 May 2017, 6:12 AM UTC

Perth misses out on morning rain

Perth misses out on morning rain
It was a wet morning in the southwestern districts of Western Australia, although Perth missed out on the heavy falls. A cold front brought widespread falls of 30-50mm across inland areas to the south of about Mandurah, with 68mm recorded at a rain gauge at Saddleback Road Bridge. Some areas saw their heaviest rain in three months, including Lancelin (12mm), Jandakot (17mm) and Narrogin (25mm). Perth only manage to see 1mm up to 9am in the city and is still well below average for the month. Only 22mm had hit the gauge so far this May as of this morning, which is less than a quarter of the long term monthly average at this time of year. Perth may see further showers this afternoon and has another chance of increasing its monthly rainfall total with the passage of a cold front on Sunday morning.
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