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Ben Domensino, 11 May 2017, 6:32 AM UTC

Flower moon on display

Flower moon on display
You may have noticed that last night wasn't as dark as it usually is. If you did, it's because the flower moon was putting on a show. Flower moon is one of the common names given to a full moon that occurs during May. People around the world have witnessed the moon and are taking to social media to show off the view of the lunar spectacle from their place. The full moon technically occurred at 7:42 Australian Eastern Standard time this morning, although you will still be able to see it in nearly all of its shining glory tonight. The best view of the moon will be shortly after it rises, while it's still close to the horizon. This will occur between about 5:30 and 7:00 this evening for most of Australia. You can find out what time moonrise will be at your place on Weatherzone’s mobile app or website.
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