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Ben Domensino, 28 Mar 2018, 4:22 AM UTC

Cyclone season in full swing

Cyclone season in full swing
Australia is close to experiencing its most active tropical cyclone season in 12 years after a big week in the tropics. At the end of last week, there were three named tropical cyclones concurrently spinning over Australian waters: Marcus, Nora and Iris. This tropical trio brought the tally of tropical cyclones over Australian waters since the start of November to 10, according to a Tropical Climate Note issued by the Bureau of Meteorology on Tuesday. This is only one below the long-term average for the entire season, which runs until April. If two more tropical cyclones form, or move, over Australian waters before the end of April, this would become our most active cyclone season since 2005/06, according to the BoM. The next two tropical cyclones that form in Australian waters will be named Owen and Penny.
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